So let me give you the latest update on my bucket list. I want to start by saying what amazing friends my sister has to be willing to jump in and try to help me. There was an article posted about me yesterday in the Deseret news. It was part of a five part series on Advanced Directives, an important topic for all ages. It is trying to draw attention to the need for people of all ages to think about what they would want in illness and in death. If your loved one unexpectedly fell ill or even died, would you know what their final wishes would be?
So back to the update on the progress I’ve made on my bucket list. I have someone looking at my children’s stories evaluating if they are publishable and if they are, she has the ability to hook me up with and illustrator and then publish them. I couldn’t be more excited. Just having someone look at my stories and give me advice is an honor. Next update is about my wish to design a dress for Lady Gaga. My sister’s friend Karin who is a freelance writer pitched my bucket list story to the Salt Lake Tribune and they liked it. This story will post tomorrow Thursday, March 1st, and my YouTube video Plea to Lady Gaga will post on Friday March 2nd. Of course I will post all of these links to this blog for your ease of access. But of course that come with a request that you pass it on. This is the only way this Social Media stuff works.
I also want to speak a little more about this journey. I am currently spending my life in a three week rollercoaster. The week I get chemo I feel like not doing anything and as most of you have figured out I don’t want to talk to anyone. This is also the times that I feel most down. This is when I think that this bucket list thing is stupid and not worth pursuing. But then week two of my chemo cycle hits and I remember life is worth living, that people are wonderful, and that I am still capable of living my life to the fullest. Then week three comes and I feel even better and this is the week I actually get things done. I wanted to share this because we all get these ups and downs and I think it is often easier to let the downs control us. The truth is if I didn’t go out on a limb and write out my bucket list and then choose to share it with you; I never would have gotten responses of support and I certainly wouldn’t have connected with people that could help me. This helped me in two ways I was able to connect with these wonderful people that could help me but also it put my wishes out there in a way that I couldn’t ignore them. To get this bucket list article into the Salt Lake Tribune required me to give them a promise date of when I would post the YouTube video. This alone has been the kick in the butt that I needed to get going on this dream. I can’t wait to share it with you and to see where the cards lie. There are so many times in life where we don’t play an active roll in our dreams, we sit on the sideline hoping the right connections will magically walk into our life and make our dreams come true for us. Dreams take hard work. But they are definitely worth it.
I thank all of you for your support; Thank you for everyone who reached out to me to help; and thank you all everyone for believing in me. It makes it easier to continue believing in myself.
The following link is the Deseret Newpaper Article that I was feature in