I want to start by thanking my Family and close friends for getting this ball rolling. First my sister MaryAnne, and her friends, thank you for reading my blog and doing everything youu could to start getting the word out. I can’t be grateful enough for the people who pushed me to make the video and didn’t just let me continue talking about it as something ‘I was going to do.’ Thank you Lois, for writing the first news article about me. You wrote it in such a thoughtful and inspiring way (despite the fact that you were in the middle of your own family trauma). Thank you Karin, for writing the second news article about me which focused on my bucket list. Karin was really the one who gave me the fire to make my video because I would never want to do something make someone else miss their deadline. And then once I posted the video, thank you to my brother Matthew who immediately started sharing and posting and brainstorming how to keep it going. Also thank you Maureen, for immediately posting my links and pleaing to your large group of friends to help me out. Darcy, you believed in me to the point that it was intoxicating, thank you. Thank you to my Brother and Sister in law, Braden and Brenda, for always checking in and seeing how I was doing and what the next step was and making sure to post every new update. Robin, Sean, Mikayla, Brad, Norman, all of my friends on FB thank you; you really helped push my video out on YouTube. Thank you Jennifer Stagg, from KSL , for creating such a beautiful news story that got the ball rolling for a second time, getting people to watch the YouTube video again. Since your story my YouTube video went from 8,200 to over 21,000 hit in just 36 hrs. It also trended worldwide on Twitter for a short while. I can’t thank you enough for giving my dream a second breath. Thank you my beautiful daughter for making me want to dream again. And to my husband, despite the fact that you detest all of this attention, I know how important your privacy is; you still supported me and celebrated each milestone with me. I Love you with all my heart. You are the love of my life and the center of my true happiness. I thank you for all of your support, for giving me the most beautiful daughter in the world, for being such an amazing Dad and for being the best husband a woman could ever ask for.
Next I want to talk to the Little Monsters. I have never felt such a heartwarming instant embrace by another group of people anywhere. Your willingness to get behind one of your own is note worthy. I feel like regardless of what happens next that I have succeeded. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and helping me to get the word out to Gaga. Paws up to all you. May you see your own dreams and believe in yourselves the way that you believe in me. And those few sweet monsters that are struggling in a dark place of feeling worthless or unaccepted; please don’t give up. You are beautiful little monsters. ‘You were born this way.’ Don’t let the haters get you down. Once you believe in yourself and love yourself, your energy will change and others will naturally gravitate toward you. Give yourself the amount of credit that you have shown to me and you will go places.
Great Thanks and Love to all of you. Thanks to you, Megan Elizabeth Designs
aka Girl in The Middle Will go far. Thank you, Thank you, Thank You.