Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Selective Reading

So I am not sure why I didn't post this a couple months ago when I wrote it. I guess I didn't feel that it was compleate. Anyway here it is.

It is funny how much other people’s comments can affect us. Watching the comments about my video on YouTube I am reminded of how kind people are. How supportive even strangers can be. But every once in a while I get a comment from a hater and it takes a minute to remind myself that these cruel words don’t matter. It is almost as if I need ten good comments to make me feel OK about the cruel one. So why do I even care? First off, I don’t know these people; they have no control of my life; and they are the small minority among a huge positive response. I guess it comes down to the fact that it is difficult to put yourself out there. It is difficult to change the habit of believing that I might not be good enough.  Well the truth is no matter what the outcome of this process is, I am good enough. I have a huge scaffolding of family, friends and even strangers that have given me their love and support. I will do my best to silence the voice of doubt in my head and push forward. Thank you all for supporting me.